


[Global Learning Platform] Special Lecture by Dr. Guillermo Prado 최종 수정일 : 2023.05.08
  • Office of International Affairs
게시글 내용

Global classes invited by professors from overseas prestigious universities have been held since this year to provide high-quality classes created by teachers from overseas prestigious universities to students to improve the level of education and establish a global learning platform.

1. Lecturer: Dr. Guillermo Prado

- Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

- Dean of the Graduate School, and Professor of Nursing and Health Studies, Public Health Sciences and Psychology at the University of Miami.

- Miller Professor and Director of the Division of Prevention Science and Community in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Miami

- President, Society for Prevention Research

2. Contents:

- An Introduction of Research Proposal Writing (5/9)

- How to Write a Good Manuscript for Publication (5/11)

3. Host: College of Social Sciences, Child & Adolescent Psychology and Development: (Prof. Taekyoung Lee<Social Survey Methodology> Course)

4. Time and Place

 - Time: 2023. 5. 9.(Tues) 13:30~14:45(KST)

 - Time: 2023. 5. 11.(Thurs) 12:00~13:15(KST)

 - Place: Live Virtual Studio of Business School Hall, Humanities and Social Sciences Campus

5. Zoom

- 5/9 (Tues): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84148945985?wd=TEZDd0dYd3dBTVhGZWdJREI4WW95Zz09

- 5/11 (Thurs): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84777324658?pwd=YzltcTlWV2FaeDF1UzhqZ3pPak82UT09

6. College of Social Sciences, Administration Office (02-760-0935): Please turn On your Video and turn Off your Mic.
Dr. Guillermo Prado
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