


노벨물리학상 페르교수 자과캠 특강 2010.10.12
  • 대외협력팀
  • 조회수 : 1550
게시글 내용

노벨물리학상 페르교수 특별강연

11일 오전11시 자연과학캠퍼스 삼성학술정보관 

성균관대학교 에너지과학과(학과장 이영희교수)는 노벨상 수상자인 알베르 페르(Albert Fert)교수를 초청하여 ‘The world of spintronics: electrons, spins, computers and telephones’라는 주제로 오는 11일 오전 10시 30분 자연과학캠퍼스 삼성학술정보관 오디토리움에서 특강을 개최한다.

Paris-Sud대학의 교수이자 저명한 물리학자인 페르교수는 하드디스크의 원리인 '거대자기저항(GMR)' 기술을 발견하여 나노 기술을 실제에 적용한 최초의 사례라는 업적평가를 받음으로써 독일의 페터 그륀베르크와 함께 2007년 노벨 물리학상을 공동수상했다.


특강 내용(요약) 

The world of spintronics: electrons, spins, computers and telephones

Spintronics is a recently emerged field of research which exploits the influence of the electron spin on electronic transport. It is mainly known for the large increase of the hard disc capacity by read heads based on the “giant magnetoresistance”, but it has also revealed many other interesting effects. After an introduction on the fundamentals of spintronics, I will review some of the most promising directions of today, which will includes the study of the spin transfer phenomena, spintronics with semiconductors, spintronics with carbon nanotubes or graphene, neuromorphic devices…..

In a spin transfer experiment, for example, one manipulates the orientation of a nanomagnet by transfusing spin angular momentum into it from a spin-polarized electronic current. This electronic spin transfusion can be used to switch the magnetization (with near applications to the writing of magnetic memories) or to generates oscillations in the radio-wave frequency range (with promising applications in telecommunications). Spintronics with semiconductors aims to some fusion between conventional electronics and spintronics, while carbon-based spintronics turns out to be a possible way to go “beyond CMOS”, that is beyond the silicon electronics of today.

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