


’Reclusive as a monk’ Graduate School Fair shows the way 2015.04.30
  • 이승한
  • Views : 9001
게시글 내용


Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) held the ‘Graduate School Fair’ on April 28 at the ‘Cho Byung-doo hall’ in the 600th anniversary hall.

The fair provides information and counselling for those who wish to advance on to graduate school


The 40 departments participating in the fair have imparted useful information on admissions and scholarship opportunities. Song Hae-ryong, Dean of the College of Social Sciences donned for the occasion by dressing up as the fictional character Gandalf from the Lord of Rings.


“I put on this outfit to convey message for those who want to proceed to graduate school; that is, graduate study should be pursued with the reclusiveness of a monk.” asserted Dean Song.


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