


A research group of Prof. In Su KIM decorated the cover paper of JACS 2018.07.16
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A research group led by Prof. In Su KIM, School of Pharmacy at Sungkyunkwan University, decorated the cover paper of ‘JACS (Journal of the American Chemical Society, IF: 13.858)’, which is the world's preeminent journal in chemistry, on the June.


A research on artificial molecular computers that could mimic advanced functions in the cell signaling system is a global interest. The artificial computing systems perform various math functions based on electrical signals, but in vivo, their specific and advanced functions are realized through information processing of appropriate chemical signals. In particular, the cell signaling processes can communicate and synchronize each other in a precisely organized manner to implement their specific functions. As such, much effort has been devoted to developing artificial computing systems analogous to biological signaling processes.


This research team first reports an artificial three-state molecular computer capable of performing advanced functions similar to those found in biological computing process. This was achieved by control of molecular recognition and three electronic states via ionic chemical stimuli. Especially, it was also demonstrated that the developed system conducted a cascade reaction for a high-valued organic chemical and functional polymer synthesis. It is also envisioned that artificial molecular computers mimicking the intravascular signaling system hold a great promise in developing smart drug delivery systems that would be used for early diagnosis and treatment of many important diseases.


This research was supported by a Basic Research Laboratory (BRL) grant of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Korean government (MSIP).

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