


Orientation for 2019 Freshmen (rolling recruitment) ended successfully 2019.01.10
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게시글 내용

On December 28th and January 4th, University College (Dean Hong Joon YOO) held an orientation session at each campus for freshmen who were accepted on a rolling-basis for the 2019 academic year.

1,124 students and parents took part in this year’s event and the increase of students enrolled in engineering and natural sciences programs was prevalent. The overall number of participants increased as well, recording about 220 more participants in comparison to the previous year. Programs in the orientation were designed to help the adjustment of the newcomers and it included a session with Sungkyun Mentor on the detail of preliminary school, welcoming performance by Kingo cheering squad and a session on the Freshman Guide.

Soon Hyun JUNG, the Sungkyun Mentor who led the orientation at the Humanities and Social Sciences Campus expressed, “New students showed great interest in the details of university life such as dorm, scholarship, exchange program, cafeteria and shuttle bus. I feel that the university will take a bigger role for the success of the students.”

One of the parents who participated in the orientation said, “At first, we were worried that the general program will be different from the specialized programs. But after listening to the lectures by Sungkyun Mentors and other Freshman Guide seniors, we are relieved.”

University College has published an e-book containing information about course, library, and issuing Kingo-M for students who were unable to attend the orientation due to the distance. The college has also sent out a mobile message to individual students so that new students will be informed of academic affairs prior to the admission.

 University College is planning to have an orientation session for each program after mid-February and the entrance ceremony will be held at February 27th 11:00 AM in Suseonggwan (Natural Sciences Campus).
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