

SKKU News - University

Next-generation semiconductor material synthesis technique developed 2015.02.26
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Institute for Basic Science’s (IBS) Nanostructure Physics Research group leader (Department of Physics Prof. Lee Young-hee) in the Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) has succeed in developing the technology to synthesize Molybdenumdisulfide in the desired position to a single layer. The finding that was announced on Feb. 11 was published in the science and technology news “Nature Communications”’s Jan. 28 edition.


Molybdenumdisulfide, with a film thinness like an atom, is the next-generation nano material. Having a structural similarity to that of grapheme, its most notable characteristics is its electricity condusive properties that make it ideal in the development of semiconductors.


 “The findings are notable because it surpasses the limits of existing synthesizing methods, and presents a technique to place high quality materials in designated spots, which is the essential technology in semiconductor industry. Prof. Lee Young-hee explained. ”We expect semicondutor research ustilizing Molybdenumdisulfide to be more prevalent from now on”


SKKU Institute of Basic Scinece's findings


SKKU IBS Nanostructure Physics Research group findings

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