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Prof. Wada Haruki of Tokyo University, Special Lecture at SKKU 2015.04.16
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게시글 내용

“Can there be a conclusion to the strife over history between the two peoples, without addressing the Japanese Armies’ so called ‘Comfort Women’ issue. I’m affraid no is the answer. However, The main problem now is that Japanese society is at a crossroad where there are those who say ‘‘we should do nothing because whatever we do Korea will not accept’ and ‘Still there should be something to do’“.


Prof. Wada of Tokyo University said when we met him at Tokyo on the 13th, “It is note worthy to mention that there are a growing number of first class politicians and key government officials who agree with the first approach."


As a historian of Korean history he has been a critic against the Japnese government’s right wing disposition. In 1995 he became the Secretary General of the ‘Asian Women Fund’, put together to provide compensation for the victims. Although this was a private fund, Primeminister Tomiichi Murayama, who proclaimed the historic ‘Murayama Discourse’ was it’s Chairman. “There were some private donations collected in Japan, however since it wasn’t an official act  many declined”.


Prof. Wada will be lecturing at Sungkyunkwan university (SKKU) on ‘Historical Significance of Korea and Japan's Friendship'on April 16.

Prof. Wada Haruki Tokyo Univ.



Media Report Link: http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2015/04/15/2015041500214.html

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