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Global orientation for 456 foreign students from 21 countries 2014.09.15
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게시글 내용

On August 27, freshman grad and undergrad students of both campuses gathered at the Business Building Theatre (33B301) of the Humanities and Social Sciences Campus for orientation presided by the Office of International Affairs (Vice President Lee Suke-kyu).

 This day's orientation was given in Korean before an audience of 330 freshmen students from 21 countries such as Russia, Mexico, the US, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, El Salvador, Japan, China, Turkey, and Pakistan, a wide range of countries demonstrating the global connectedness of SKKU.

 During the morning, students were informed on school life, how to live in Korea, using the library and dormitory, and in the afternoon they were introduced to the Korean Studies program and registered for courses. Senior international students also attended the event to talk about their experiences and give wholehearted advice on living abroad as a student.

 There are 456 foreign students entering SKKU this semester, which started on September 1.

 Foreign students entering for 2014 fall semester
 Humanities and Social Sciences 352 (Grad 99, Undergrad 253)
 Natural Science 104 (Grad 70, Undergrad 34)

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