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Developing light-induced self-repairable electric circuits 2014.10.27
  • 웹마스터
  • Views : 10762
게시글 내용

The world’s first light induced self repairable electric circuit was developed by a joint research team that includes Professor Lee Seung-woo of Sungkyun Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology (SAINT). As electric circuits in wearable devices are composed of thin and bendable materials, they are subject to malfunction after extensive use. Great expenses are used for their repair, because entire modules must be replaced due to the unrepairable nature of high integrated circuits.


The joint research team announced on October 15 that they have solved this problem by adapting azo polymers which move in the direction of polarized light, and silver nano wires which have good conductivity. They coated electric circuits in azo polymers and covered them in a film of silver nano wires. In an experiment, they severed the high integrated circuit, and using a laser pointer manipulated the azo polymer which also moved the coated silver nano wires to reconnect the severed circuit.


In the past, this self-repairing technology has been developed only in a high-temperature environment or using toxic solvents. Due to this new technology people will be able to conduct repairs using a common laser pointer.


“We are positive that this technology can extend the lifespan of flexible equipment,” said Professor Park Jung-gi from KAIST. “This technology is something that even Iron Man will be envious of.”


This research will be published in an upcoming issue of the international journal Advanced Functional Materials.

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