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SKKU research team develops high efficient blue light fluorescents 2015.06.26
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On June 18, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Department of Polymer Science and Engineering Prof. Lee, Jun-yeob, announced that they have developed a technology that enhances t3 times the effectiveness of the blue fluorescent unit used in AMOLED. AMOLED, Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode, uses a fluorescent substance to generate its own light.

The research team was able to develop the blue light fluorescents, along with white light, that retains the world highest efficiency of 15.4% quantum efficiency, with existing fluorescent material.

A university official said, “Since we use traditional blue light fluorescents for this, we can lower our dependency on photogenic technologies owned by foreign companies.” Furthermore, he added “We expect that this will greatly assist in solving the high electricity consumption problem of white OLED TV”.


<Prof. Lee, Jun-yeob SKKU Department of Polymer Science and Engineering >

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