

SKKU News - University

Open house for SKKU Creative Fusion Factory, ”Learning Factory “ 2015.07.02
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June 26 (Fri.), Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) held a 24-hour open house for the Creative Fusion Factory, "Learning Factory".

At the event 10 professors including Dean of the College of Information and Communication and Engineering, Prof. Jeon, Byung Woo, along with 120 students, interested in developing proto-types through creative ideas, and Head of the Innovative Engineering Education Center in Kyung Hee Univ  Prof. Yoo, In Tae, showed up.

SKKU Learning Factory is a place where creative ideas can be made into a prototype product using 3D Printer, Laser Cutter, CNC Router, Printer and Arduino.

SKKU Learning Factory has been established by the Fusion Based Creative Informatics Human Resources Development Team (Metropolitan university specialization project), and it is the base where students’ idea and business meet and conjugate, starting from Idea & Fusion-> Creating & manufacturing -> Networking.

At the opening ceremony, SKKU Head of Innovation Engineering Education, Prof. Song, Sung Jin said, “I am glad to host the opeh house for this 24 hour running playground, the ‘Learning Factory’”, and then he  subsequently introduced the 16 student staff members. He also expressed his wish that many SKKU People (students, graduates, employees and family) accumulate experience through “Make(Something) Smart”, erecting something through boundless imagination, and live the “Make (You) Smart” life.

Soon after, Yang Wan-Seok (Department of Physics), the representative for the student staff expressed his willingness to do his utmost to create a creative fusion eco-system for students.

There are many Creativity fusion workshops in Korea named ‘Boundless Creative Thinking”, however, SKKU Learning Factory is specialized in that it runs a 24 hour workshop, and unique in the sense that its’ creative fusion eco-system is being made by passionate students.

Soon the Learning Factory will provide various education related to Idea & Fusion-> Creating & manufacturing -> Networking (Start-ups/Patent).





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