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Prof. Yang, Heejun developed 50 times faster operating two-dimensional semiconductor device 2015.08.10
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게시글 내용

Utilizing a new material which has a thickness of a single atom, Korean researchers have developed a semiconductor that has 50 times faster operation speed than existing ultra-thin film semiconductors. Head of the Nano Structure Physics Research Division of the Institute of Basic Science (IBS) Prof. Lee Young Hee and researcher Prof. Yang Heejun (Department of Energy Science) have succeeded in developing a semiconductor device that allows less energy consumption and increased performance speed. The results of the research was published in Science on August 7.


Existing silicon-based semiconducting devices are made by attaching the conducting materials, that function as electrodes, to the semiconductors, which are pathways for electrons. However, due to electric resistance occurring at the boundary between semiconductor and metal, 2/3 of the energy that goes into operating is lost as heat energy. As an alternative to improve this problem, researchers focused their attention on a new material ‘telenium-molybdenum (MoTe2) which, with its chameleonic properties, can change from a semiconductor to a conductor when heat over 500 degrees is applied.


Through a simple method of exposing MoTe2 to a laser, researchers were able to change the electrode portion into conductors and then by attaching a metal to it, create an ultra-thin film semiconductor. By improving the interface properties, this semiconductor operates 50 times faster than other ultra-thin film semiconductors which is a result of reducing the electric resistance between semiconductor and electrode by 30 ~ 40 times the normal resistance. 


Link to media report: http://news.donga.com/3/all/20150807/72918199/1


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