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Study Shows It Is More Effective to Read Long Text in Paper Form 2016.03.23
  • 웹마스터
  • Views : 6552
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Most people think they read more after the advent of SNS and internet, but the effect of reading is more effective in paper form, especially when the text is long and complicated with implicative content.


Chosun Daily Newspaper and Professor Myung Won Choi (German Language and Literature and Human ICT Convergence) of Sungkyunkwan University held an experiment to verify how long and how accurately the information stays in the brain when reading a text by smartphone.  The experiment showed both groups were better when reading with paper than with SNS.  The effect was stronger when the text was longer and complicated.


American university professor, Dr. Naomi Baron said, “After experimenting reading through mass media, 85% of people tend to slack off while reading on a screen which is a higher percentage than reading those reading paper (26%) and it also reduces concentration.”  One of the students in the experiment conducted by the journal said, “I have tried to read an article on Facebook, but an advertisement popped up and I struggled to get rid of it.  Also, it was hard to concentrate because I kept getting messages from my friends”.


Prof. Myung Won Choi said, “This experiment shows that reading through digital screens through SNS is not so much ‘reading’ but is actually closer to simply ‘seeing’.”


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