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SKKU University College held the 2022 Peer Leadership workshop 2022.05.17
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SKKU University College held the 2022 PeerLeadership workshop

SKKU University College opened the Peer Leader Workshop on May 12th on Humanities and Social Science Campus. About 100 students, including LC (Learning Community) leaders, also known as PL (Peer Leaders) from first- and second-year students, participated in the workshop.

Dean of University College, Seoungwoo Hong, gave the congratulatory speech, and then-sophomore students shared their experience, followed by the recreation session by the FG students, and also had a PL strategic meeting.

The Dean of University College, Seung-woo Hong, encouraged, "The student culture divided by COVID-19 is reviving starting with the recent Daedong Festival. I hope PL students here today will also lead LC members well through this workshop."

Sungmin Lim (2021 LC80 PL) and Hanbyul Kim (2021 LC61 PL), who stood in front of their juniors as senior PLs, said, "I was nervous about speaking in front of many students, but it was exciting to introduce our LC's past activities. Last year, many students couldn't gather together due to social distancing and restrictions on the number of private gatherings due to COVID-19, but this year, first-year students in the will be able to make better memories than us". Bomin Kim,  a student of the FG, who helped host the event, said, "I was worried about the festival's schedule, but I was grateful that many students attended, and I felt rewarded for actively participating in the program during the FG recreation."

The University College will be holding face-to-face events, including sports competitions and FG workshops, to promote exchange and communication among first-year students.

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