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[Events] [Global Learning Platform] Special Lecture by Prof. Teri Odom 최종 수정일 : 2024.04.15
  • Office of International Affairs
게시글 내용
Global classes invited by professors from overseas prestigious universities have been held since last year to provide high-quality classes created by teachers from overseas prestigious universities to students to improve the level of education and establish a global learning platform.

1. Lecturer: Prof. Teri Odom

-Professor of Chemistry, Northwestern University, USA

-Chair of the Department of Chemistry

-Nano Letters, Editor-in-Chief

2. Contents: Resolving Nano-bio Interactions at the Single-Nanoconstruct Level

Nanostructures have been proven to function effectively as drug delivery vehicles, biological imaging probes, and therapeutics, but research into directly observing how they interact with proteins, cellular organelles, or cellular components has been limited. In this lecture, we will describe how gold nanostars loaded with drugs are utilized as optical nanoprobes to elucidate how cells interact at the nanoscale. Focusing on various cancer cell systems, we will observe gold nanostars targeting cell receptors, rotating and moving on the cell membrane, entering and traversing into the cell. Furthermore, we will discuss how these diverse movements of nanostructures maintain targeting capabilities in the living cell environment.

3. Host: Engineering, Advanced Materials Science and Engineering (Prof. Jung Heon Lee)

4. Time and Place
 - Time: 2024. 4. 19. (Fri) 15:00(KST)
 - Place: Natural Sciences Campus, Engineering 2, 26106

5. Zoom Info.
 - ID&PW: 841 7074 3697 (PW: 322210)
 - Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84170743697?pwd=bi9lVVBuU2E5dHBhUDUwS3lKb1V3Zz09

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Resolving Nano-bio Interactions at the Single-Nanoconstruct Level
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